Possible Solution #1: Make sure that the time, date and timezone are properly set on your computer.
Possible Solution #2: Try verifying your cache:
- Open your Steam library
- Right-click "Dungeon Defenders II" (http://i.imgur.com/UyPCa.jpg)
- Select "Properties" (http://i.imgur.com/JvLz2.jpg)
- Select "Local Files" (http://i.imgur.com/TO5wC.png)
- Select "Verify Integrity of Game Cache" (http://i.imgur.com/IZDGD.png)
Possible Solution #3: Disable any anti-virus programs you may have running and disable your firewall, including the one on your router.
Possible Solution #4: Restart your computer and try launching the game again.
Possible Solution #5: If you're on a WiFi connection, try connecting your computer directly to your router/modem.
Possible Solution #6: On your computer, go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common, delete the folder named "Dungeon Defenders 2," then re-download the game.
If none of these solutions work for you, please do the following:
Step 1:
Right-click on your desktop, go to New and select Text Document.
Step 2:
Enter the following text into the document: DunDefLauncher.exe -PVBSDEBUG=true
Step 3:
Name the document "runme.bat" (without the quotations).
Step 4:
Put the runme.bat in Steam's working folder for DD2.
Example path: [STEAM INSTALL PATH]\Steam\SteamApps\common\Dungeon Defenders 2
Step 5:
Run the runme.bat as an administrator.
Step 6:
A console screen will pop up which will then load the DD2 launcher (our bootstrapper). While the launcher is running it will log to two text files in the same working folder.
Log file names
Step 6:
A console screen will pop up which will then load the DD2 launcher (our bootstrapper). While the launcher is running it will log to two text files in the same working folder.
Log file names
Step 7:
Fill out a bug report, here.
Step 8:
After the error occurs, paste the content of the logs on the bug submission form.
Once you've submitted your bug report, our development team will be reviewing your case.
Keep in mind that our support team works Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. EST.